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Girls' Basketball
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7/29/98 (Wednesday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98

10:00 am games

Midtown Community Center
Richmond Blue Angles 37 33-70 
NE Granite State Rockettes 27 45-72 
Points: RBA-  Daniels 2, Starkes 15, Atlars 11, Shealey 17, Byrd 11, Crawley 5, Nemara 5, Gaines 4   
Points: NE Granite State- Albert 10, Gassmon 9, Farrell 5, Brickey 15, Rohrborn 12, Durmer 10, Dudley 11

HU Convocation
Georgia 53 43-96
Acadiana Stars 36 33-69
Points: Georgia- Daves 13, Jones 17, Kindred 18, Morgan 15, Monroe 6, Isom 16, Warren 3, Smith 8
Points: AS- Simon 9, Johnson S. 2, Boffy 3, Cart 2, Chilos 6, Chenevert 12, Prejean 4, Broussard 8, Williams 2, Shields 12, Forsthoff 9

Team Maryland 30 44-74
Michigan #1 22 33-55
Points: Maryland- Kelly 4, Gaines 12, Brennan 6, Smear 27, Daniels 1, Mitchell 11, Edmonds 3, Walsh 9
Points: Michigan #1- Moore 5, Grenln 3, Dennis 6, Glover 4, Davis 3, Terry 5, Coleman Ryan 8, Coleman Regina 6, Henry 8, Savalli 7

Woodside High School
Tennessee 36 50-86
Team Ohio 30 44-74
Points: Tennessee- Wilson 14, Ramsey 10, Brown, N. 13, Armistead 15, Brown A. 8, Ford 2, Jergenson 6, Watson 6, Smith 12 
Points: Team Ohio- Howe 5, Motto 2, Estell 8, Miller 5, Richter 4, Matter 13, Gillis 5, Williams 14, Coleman 10, Christenson 8

12:00 pm games

Midtown Community Center
Southwestern 39 53-92
Springfield Express 16 19-35
Points:  Southwestern- Sare 8, Glover 10, Wadley 8, Yound 12, Walter 16, Britt 22, Jefferson 5, Adams 2, Wright 6, Taylor 3
Points:  Springfield- Brunnert 4, Lile 1, Letterman 4, Webster 5, Schnakenberg 10, Crouse 2, Hopkins 2, Jordan 7

Woodside High School
Wisconsin Select Red 44 38-82
Team Oklahoma 23 37-60
Points: Wisconsin- Klug 10, Smith 4, Jackson 10, Gray 12, Thomsen 3, Bronson 13, Schwermann 14, Kelley 8, Hefte 8
Points: Oklahoma- Newnam 4, Marsh 2, Hutchens 13, Meek 3, Simon 4, Rodgers 5, Mayberry 2, Tillis 11, Hawkins 8, Staton 8

Boo Williams 50 45-95
Texas Sports "Lady Tigers" 25 40-65
Points: Boo Williams- Giddens 14, Brown 14, Harris 12, Basnight 15, Harrell J. 3, Roberts 12, Hallman 6, Patterson 11, Griffin 2, Banks 6
Points: Texas- Strain 5, Framer 9, Peoples 2, Alvarez 4, Whalon 22, Luebke 11, McClain 4, Whitley 1, Unruh 2,, Thompson 3, Andress 2

HU Convacation Center
Wisconsin Select Black 28 64-92
Potomac Valley Pride 41 46-87
Points:  Wisconsin- Velosky 15, Roherty 2, Ramis 29, Crank 16, Cleaver 11, Lawlinger 4, Shattuck 15
Points:  Potomac- Kreager 6, Lingenfelder 13, Lawson 42, Shannon 14, Glovich  5, Scrtchins 7

2:00 p.m. games

Midtown Community Center
Indiana's Finest  47  48-95
Kansas Belles  33  38-71
Points:  IF-Gearlds, 8;  IF-McDivitt, 24;  IF-Taylor, 5;  IF-Kleinert, 22;  IF-Hall, 5;  IF-Roudebush, 15;  
IF-Cheairs, 2;  IF-DesJean, 8;  IF-Miles, 6;  
Points:  KB-Chapman, 8;  KB-Mason, 9;  KB-Beal, 2;  
KB-Schrieber, 9;  KB-Kenton, 18;  KB-Houlehan, 6;  KB-Helwig, 3;  KB-Shackleford, 2;  KB-Callier, 14

HU Convocation Center
Boo, Too  
Ozark Kutis def. Boo, Too (forfeit)

Team Michigan #2,  23 30-53
North Carolina,  36  40-76
Points:  M2-Shippy, 5;  M2-Bruwer, 12;  M2-Weston, 5;  M2-Maat, 10;  M2-Jennings, 3; 
M2-Weishuhn, 7;  M2-Schepers, 13;
Points:  NC-Atkins, 2;  NC-Baptist, 12;  NC-Gull, 20;  NC-Hart, 2;  NC-Heggens, 3;  NC-Keith, 2; 
NC-Labador, 16;  NC-Lea, 2;  NC-Marshall, 11;   NC-Moody, 6;

Tampa Bay Area  41  41-82
Team Arkansas  27  56-83
Points:  TB-Andrews, 2;  TB-Everts, 8;  TB-Dickman, 4;  TB-Eddins, 23;  TB-O'Connor, 13;  
TB-Alvardo, 19;  TB-Campbell, 12;  TB-Kearse-1
Points:  TA-Tollett,  3;  TA-Owens, 16;  TA-Christon, 17;  TA-Privitt, 7;  TA-Henley, 4;  TA-LaFargue, 4;  TA-Cossey, 18;  TA-Shelby, 12;  TA-Swanigan, 2;

4:00 pm games

Midtown Community Center
Acadiana Stars  31  37-68
Granite State Rockettes  48  44-92
Points:  AS-Johnson, 2;  AS-Boffy, 4;  AS-Cart, 2;  AS-Chikos, 4;  AS-Chenevert, 10;  AS-Prejean, 9;
AS-Williams, 2;  AS-Broussard, 4;  AS-Shields, 20;  Forsthoff, 10;
Points:  GSR-Albert, 11;  GSR-Gassmon, 12;  GSR-Farrell, 11;  GSR-Brickey, 23;  GSR-Rohnborn, 5;  GSR-Durmer, 13;  GSR-Dudley, 17;

Maryland Tornados  32 35-67
Tennessee  33  42-75
Points:  MT-Kelly, 2;  MT-Gaines, 16;  MT-Brennan, 17;  MT-Smear, 9;  MT-Daniels, 6;  MT-Mitchell, 8;  MT-Edmonds, 2;  MT-Walsh, 7;
Points:  T-Wilson, 20;  T-Ramsey, 4;  T-Brown, 4;  T-Armistead, 12;  T-Brown, 12;  T-Ford, 2;  
T-Jergenson, 6;  T-Watson, 4;  T-Smith, 11;

Michigan #1,  31  50-81
Team Ohio  46  42-88
Points:  M1-Moore, 10;  M1-Grenan, 2;  M1-Dennis, 2;  M1-Davis, 7;  M1-Terry, 16;  
M1-Ry. Coleman, 8;  M1-Moss, 11;  M1-Re. Coleman, 7;  M1-Henry, 7;  M1-Savalli, 11;
Points:  TO-Motto, 5;  TO-Estelle, 6;  TO-Miller, 6;  TO-Richter, 14;  TO-Matter, 16;  TO-Gillis, 10;  
TO-Williams, 5;  TO-Coleman, 8;  TO-Vujas, 7;  TO-Christinsen, 11;

HU Convocation Center
AAU Select  37  36-73
Blue Angels  38  36-72
Points:  AS-Davis, 12;  Jones, 6;  Kindred, 5;  Morgan, 8;  Monroe, 6;  Isom, 27;  Smith, 9;
Points:  BA-Starkes, 16;  Atkins, 26;  Shealey, 9;  Byrd, 12;  Crawley, 10;  

6:00 pm games

HU Convocation Center
Pride of Northern Virginia  52  42-94
Southwestern Texas  40  50-90
Points:  NV-Kreager, 7;  Lingenfelder, 27;  Lawson, 29;  Singleterry, 10; Shannon, 11; Galovich, 10
Points:  ST-Sare, 11;  Wadley, 11;  Young, 7;  Walter, 10;  Britt, 15;  Jefferson, 2;  Glover, 13;  Adams, 6;  Wright, 9;  Taylor, 6;

Wisconsin Select Black  39  33-72
Springfield Express  37  25-62
Points:  WSB-Velosky, 4;  Roherty, 10;  Romis, 16;  Crank, 9;  Cleaver, 4;  Lawlinger, 4;  Cesnobar, 4;  Shatluck, 21;
Points:  SE-Brunnert, 14;  Lile, 12;  Letterman, 3;  Webster, 4;  Schnatenberg, 8;  Crouse, 2;  Knopf, 

7/30/98 (Thursday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98
10 am.

HU Convocation Center
Lady Tigers  29  25-54
Oklahoma  38  47-85
Points:  LT-Strain, 5;  Farmer, 14;  Peoples, 1;  Alvarez, 2;  Whalon, 9;  Luebke, 8;  McClain, 2;  Unruh,  2;  Thompson, 7;  Andress, 2;  Miller, 2;
Points:  O-Newnam, 11;  Hutchens, 7;  Meer, 4;  Simon, 3;  Colvert, 5;  Rodgers, 4;  Mayberry, 12;  Tillis, 16;  Hawkins, 9;  Sellers, 8;  Staton, 6;

Wisconsin Select Red  34 38-72
Boo Williams Summer League  37  46-83
Points:  WSR-Klug, 5;  Smith, 16;  Nohl, 2; Jackson, 6;  Johnson, 3;  Gray, 8;  Thompson, 1;  
Schwermann, 20;  Kelly, 5;  Hefte, 6;
Points:  BWSL-Giddens, 17;  Brown, 14;  Howard, 23;  Harris, 5;  Basnight, 4;  Roberts, 1;  Hallman, 2;  Garcia, 11;  Griffin, 4;  Banks, 2;

Ozark Kutis  28  41-69
Kansas Belles  38  57-95
Points:  OK-Kues, 9;  Toczlowski, 2;  Unnerstall, 10;  Dow, 10;  Lane, 16;  Buckman, 6;  Stabenfeldt, 3;  Moosman, 13;
Points:  KB-Chapman, 16;  Mason, 9;  Kenton, 16;  Shackleford, 6;  Helwig, 2;  Houlehan, 9;  Beal, 19;  Schreiber, 4;  Callier, 14;

Boo, Too 
Boo, Too forfeit

12 pm

Acadiana Stars  34  45-79
Blue Angels  32  36-68
Points:  AS-Williams  13;  Simon, 3;  Forsthoff, 6;  Shields, 18;  Chenevert, 11;  Boffy, 10;  Prejean, 3;  Broussard, 8;  Chikos, 5;  Johnson, 1;
Points:   BA-Daniels, 8;  Starkes, 17;  Atkins, 2;  Shealey, 14;  Byrd, 14;  Crawley, 7;  Andrews, 6;

Georgia Select  48  48-96
Granite State Rockettes  51  37-88
Points:  GS-Davis, 17;  Boner, 2;  Jones, 4;  Kindred, 16;  Morgan, 14;  Monroe, 20;  Isom, 19;  Warren, 3;  Smith, 1;
Points:  GSR-Albert, 8;  Gassmon, 9;  Farrell, 10;  Brickey, 17;  Rohrborn, 21;  Durmer, 15;  Dudley, 8;

HU Convocation Center
Tampa AAU  39  38-77
Team Michigan #2  26  28-54
Points:  TAAU-Andrews, 12;  Castora, 2;  Cole, 2;  Everts, 10;  Dickman, 2;  Eddins, 11;  O'Conner, 5;  Alvardo, 19;  Elkins, 2;  Campbell, 8;  Kearse, 4;
Points:  M2-Williams, 2;  Jennings, 4;  Schepers, 14;  Spencer, 1;  Bruwer, 5;  Maat, 3;  Shippy, 6;  Weishuhn, 4;  Weston, 13;  Porter, 2;

Team Arkansas  37  31 9-77
North Carolina  37  31  10-78
Points:  Arkansas- Christon, 23; Cossey, 8; Henley, 2; Owens, 19; Privitt, 13; Hunsucker, 2; Swanigan, 4; Tollett, 3;  LaFargue 3
Points:  Carolina- Atkins, 2; Baptistic, 13; Chambers, 12; Gull, 12; Hart, 2;  Heggins, 5, Johnson, 3; Labador, 1; Lea, 3; Marschall, 11; Moody, 14


Maryland Tornados  30  41-71
Team Ohio  42  39-81
Points:  MT-Kelly, 3;  Gaines, 3;  Brennan, 9;  Smear, 2;  Daniels, 9;  Brick, 24;  Mitchell, 13;  
Edmonds, 7;  Walsh, 1;
Points:  TO-Howe, 6;  Motto, 8;  Estelle, 16;  Miller, 1;  Richter, 4;  Matter, 8;  Gillis, 3;  Williams, 2;  Coleman, 18;  Turner, 10;  Vujas, 1;  Christensen, 4;

Southwestern  40  42-82
Wisconsin Black  23  35-58
Points:  SW- K. Wright, 10;  Young, 9;  Walter, 9;  Britt, 9;  Jefferson, 5;  Glover, 15;  Adams, 8;  
N. Wright, 14;  Taylor, 3;
Points:  WB-Roherty, 6;  Lemmens, 4;  Ramis, 5;  Crank, 15;  Cleaver, 7;  Nolan, 5;  Lawlinger, 12;  Broder, 2;  Cesnover, 2;

HU Convocation Center
Team Michigan #1,  33  39-72
Team Tennessee  41  53-94
Points:  M1-Moore, 6;  Grenan, 3;  Dennis, 7;  Glover, 2;  Davis, 7;  Terry, 5;  Ry. Coleman, 4;  Moss, 14;  Griffith, 2;  Re. Coleman, 4;  Henry, 11;  Savali, 7;
Points:  TT-Ford, 2;  Smith, 5;  Ramsey, 4;  Barnard, 10;  Watson, 15;  Brown, 15;  Wilson, 20;  Armistead, 12;  Jergensen, 7;  Brown, 4;

Potomac Valley Pride  47  43-90
Missouri Express  31  37-68
Points:  PVP-Krenger, 14;  Lingenfelder, 21;  Lawson, 18;  Singleton, 13;  Shannon, 11;  Galovich, 6;  Scrutchins, 7;
Points:  ME-Brunnert, 6;  Lile, 3;  Letterman, 5;  Quigg, 7;  Webster, 16;  Schnakenberg, 12;  Knopf, 3;  Hopkins, 10;  Jordan, 6;

4:00 P.M.  

Boo Williams 26 32-58
Oklahoma 28 28-56
Points:  Boo Williams-  Giddens 12, Brown 2, Howard 17, Harris 3, Basnight 6, Hallman 8, Garcia 8, Banks 2
Points:  Oklahoma-  Newnam 12, Hutchens 2, Meek 1, Tillis 17, Hawkins 14, Sellers 4, Staton 6

Woodside High School
Indiana's Finest 53 38-91
Kutis  16 31-47
Points:  Indiana:  Gearlds 8, McPivitt 9, Taylor 2, Kleinert 14, Hall 23, Roudebush 11, DesJean 17, Miles 7
Points:  Kutis:  Toczlowski 15, Neu 5, Unnerstall 6, Dow 4, Lane 5, Schweizer 2, Stabenfeldt 4, 
Moosman 6

HU Convocation Center
Wisconsin Select Red 52 43-105
South Texas Lady Tigers 34 30-64
Points:  Red:  Klug 12, Smith 8, Nohl 1, Jackson 15, Johnson 3, Gray 26, Thomsen 6, Bronson 6, Schwermann 15, Kelley 7, Hefte 6
Points:  Tigers:  Miller 2, Vallejo 4, Strain 6, Alvarez 6, Farmer 10, Whalon 13, Luebke 9, McClain 2, Whitley 3, Unruh 3, Peoples 2, Thompson 2, Andress 2

Heritage High School
Boo  Williams 2     Forfeit
Kasas Belles

7/31/98 (Friday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98
10 a.m.

HU Convocation Center
Va/Boo Too
Wisconsin Select Black
Boo, Too forfeit

Kutis 20 38-58
Team Michigan #1 32 52-84
Points: K-Kues, 3; Tozlowski, 12; Neu, 9; Understall, 8; Dow, 6; Lane, 2; Buckman, 4; Schweitzer, 1; Stabenfeld, 7; Moosman, 6
Points: TM1-Grenan, 7; Dennis, 2; Glover, 6; Davis, 5; Terry, 7; Coleman, 7; Moss, 22; Griffith, 3; Coleman, 2; Henry, 9; Savalli, 14

12 noon

Wisconsin Select Red 37 31-68
Acadiana Stars 31 22-53
Points: WSR-Klug, 15; Smith, 2; Nohl, 5; Jackson, 5; Gray, 8; Thompson, 6; Bronson, 5; Schwerman, 7; Hefte, 15
Points: AS-Simon, 12; Boffy, 3; Chikos, 1; Chenevert, 5; Williams, 11; Broussard, 5; Shields, 14; Forsthoff, 2

Hampton University
South Texas Lady Tigers 39 34-73
Team Arkansas 48 47-95
Points: LT-Vallejo, 5; Strain, 7; Farmer, 4; Peoples, 2; Alvarez, 16; Whalon, 13; Luebke, 11; McClain, 5; Whitley, 5; Unruh, 1; Thompson, 2; Andress, 2
Points: TA-Tollett, 11; Owens, 20; Christon, 9; Privitt, 11; Henley, 11; LaFargue, 2; Cossey, 19; Shelby, 6; Swanieen, 6

2 p.m.

Michigan #2 34 44-78
Kansas Belles 47 49-96
Points: M2-Williams  4, Jennings  5, Schepers  15, Spencer  2, Bruwer  22, Weishuhn  9, Maat  1, Shippy  14, Weston  2, Porter 4
Points: Chapman  2, Mason  16, Kenton  7, Shackelford  14, Helwig  7, Beal  7, Houlehan  4, Schrieber  18, Callier  21

Team Maryland   30  36  -  66 
Southwestern	35  35  -  70
Points - Team Maryland: Kelly 0, Gaines 6, Brennan 2, Smear 10, Daniels 3, Brick 23, Mitchell 12, Edmonds 6, Walsh 4
Points - Southwestern: Sare 2, Young 6, Wadley 6, Walter 2, Britt 14, Jefferson  6, Glover 9, Adams 0, Wright 10, Taylor 15

4:00 p.m.

Team Oklahoma		    29     54     83
Springfield (MO) Express    27     46     73
Points - TEAM OKLAHOMA: Newnam 7, Marsh 2, Hutchens 5, Meek 3, Simon 7, Colvert 0, Rodgers 6, Mayberry 6, Tillis 6, Hawkins 2, Sellers 6, Staton 4
Points - SPRINGFIELD EXPRESS: Quigg 4, Lile 2, Letterman 5, Jordan 2, Crouse 1, Brunnert 4, 
Hopkins 9, Knopf 5, Schnakenberg 4, Webser 10

Bay Area Youth (FL)	  50     56     106
Blue Angels (VA)	  51     63     114
Points - BAY AREA YOUTH: Andrews 4, Castora 0, Cole 0, Staunka 0, Everets 13, Grini 0, Dickman 0, Eddins 48, O'Conner 21, Alvarado 7, Elkins 0, Campbell 13, Kearse 0, Sander 0
Points - BLUE ANGELS: Mathews 0, Daniels 0, Blakely 0, Starkes 33, Atkins 8, Sheeley 36, Byrd 20, Crawley 8, Andrews 1, Gaines 8

8/1/98 (Saturday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98
10am games

Indiana's Finest  40  48-88
Southwestern  30  33-63
Points:  IF-McDivitt, 22;  Kleinert, 8;  Hall, 17;  Roudebush, 21;  Cheairs, 4;  DesJean, 16;  SW-Sare, 7;  Wadley, 6;  Young, 7;  Walter, 4;  Britt, 16;  Jefferson, 2;  Glover, 6;  Adams, 2;  Wright, 4;  Taylor, 9;

Hampton University
Wisconsin Black  29  24-53
Georgia Select  26  40-66
Points:  WB-Roherty, 2;  Romis, 7;  Crank, 6;  Cleaver, 10;  Lawlinger, 12;  Cesnover, 4;  Shatluck, 12;  GS-Davis, 2;  Jones, 1;  Kindred, 16;  Morgan, 11;  Monroe, 4;  Isom, 21;  Warren, 7;  Smith, 4;

Team Ohio  39  44-83
Team Arkansas  38  22-60
Points:  TO-Howe, 4;  Motto, 14;  Estelle, 2;  Miller, 14;  Richter, 4;  Matter, 12;  Gillis, 7;  Williams, 7;  Coleman, 5;  Turner, 6;  Vujas, 5;  Christensen, 3;  TA-Privitt, 3;  Tollett, 4;  Owens, 2;  Christon, 30;  Cossey, 13;  Henley, 6;  Shelby, 2;

Boo Williams Summer League  38  37-75
Blue Angels  28  39-67
Points:  BWSL-Giddens, 19;  Brown, 9;  Howard, 12;  Haris, 4;  Basnight, 4;  Hallman, 9;  Garcia, 12;  Griffin, 2;  Banks, 4;  BA-Daniels, 2;  Blakey, 2;  Starks, 17;  Atkins, 7;  Shealey, 17;  Byrd, 17;  
Crawley, 3;  Gaines, 2;

noon games

Wisconsin Select Red  23  27-50
North Carolina  41  26-67
Points:  WSR-Klug, 9;  Smith, 6;  Nohl, 4;  Jackson, 5;  Gray, 7;  Thompson, 4;  Bronson, 3;  Schwerman, 9;  Kelly, 5;  Hefte, 2;  NC-Baptist, 2;  Chambers, 12;  Gull, 10;  Hart, 4;  Heggins, 3;  Labador, 4;  Lea, 6;  Marschall, 8;  Moody, 18;

Oklahoma  40  40-80
Tennessee  25  33-58
Points:  O-Newnam, 10;  Hutchens, 6;  Meek, 6;  Simon, 5;  Colvert, 1;  Rodgers, 6;  Mayberry, 4;  
Tillis, 12;  Hawkins, 12;  Sellers, 8;  Staton, 6;  T-Ford, 2;  Smith, 6;  Ramsey, 3;  Barnard, 4;  Watson, 2;  N. Brown, 4;  Wilson, 12;  Armistead, 16;  Jergenson, 3;  A. Brown, 6;

Kansas Belles  35  38-73
Granite State Rockettes  34  37-71
Points:  KB-Chapman, 3;  Mason, 5;  Kenton, 13;  Shackleford, 4;  Helwig, 4;  Houlehan, 4;  Beal, 10;  Schrieber, 15;  Callier, 15;  GSR-Albert, 2;  Gassmon, 1;  Farrell, 18;  Brickey, 18;  Rohrborn, 22;  
Durmer, 8;  Dudley, 2;

HU Convocation Center
Team Michigan #1 def. Pride of  N. Virginia by forfeit

8/2/98 (Sunday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98
8:30am games

HU Convocation Center
Georgia Select  37  38-75
Team Ohio  44  33-76
Points:  GS-Davis 4,  Boner 2,  Jones 2,  Kindred 13,  Morgan 13,  Monroe 15,  Isom 16,  Warren 8,  
Smith 2,  TO-Howe 2,  Estelle 5,  Miller 13,  Richter 2,  Matter 12,  Gillis 6,  Williams 13,  Coleman 9,  Turner 10,  Christenson 4.
	Halftime:  Team Ohio  44-37

Tennessee  ( OT )  100
Maryland  ( OT )  103
Points:  T-Ford 2,  Smith 2,  Ramsey 17,  N. Brown 11, A. Brown 15,  Armistead 25,  Jergenson 2,  
Wilson 26,  M-Kelly 2,  Gaines 18,  Brennan 10,  Smear 4,  Daniels 9,  Brick 47,  Mitchell 12,  Walsh .
	Halftime:  Tennessee 39-34

10:30 am Games

HU Convocation Center
Boo Williams  28  37-65
Indiana's Finest  39  42-81
Points:  BW-Garcia 5,  Brown 4,  Howard 9,  Roberts 4,  Basnight 9,  Giddens 6,  Harris 12,  Banks 8,  Harrell 2,  Hallman 6,  IF-McDivitt 38,  Kleinert 3,  Hall 2,  Roudebush 12,  Cheairs 9,  DesJean 10,  
Miles 7.
	Halftime:  Indiana's Finest  39-28.

Wisconsin Select Red def. Potomoc Valley by forfeit
Potomoc Valley withdrew from tournament


North Carolina  40 37-77
Michigan 26 38-64

Points NC-Baptist 9,Chambers 13,Gull 6, Hart 12,Heggins 8, Johnson 3, Labador 4, Lea 2, Marschu 6, Moody 14-Michigan-Moore 3, Grenan 2, Dennis 2, Glover 4, Davis 17, Terry 7, Coleman 4,
Moss 6, Savalli 18
Halftime 40-26


HU Convocation Center

Kansas Belles  41 39-80
Oklahoma  42 28-70

Points Belles-Chapman 7, Mason 20, Kenton 2, Shackelford 4, Helwig 1, Real 25, Houlehan 8, 
Schreiber 10, Callier 3, Oklahoma-Newnam 5, Hutchens 3, Meek 1, Simm 4, Rodgers 8, Mayberry 2, 
Tillis 22, Hawkins 11, Sellers 9, Staton 5.
	Halftime Oklahoma 42-41

Mid-town Community Center

Team Arkansas  42 48-90
Wisconsin  31 31-62

Points Arkansas-Tollett 7, Owens 8, Hunsucker 2, Christon 25, Privitt 8, Henley 5, Lafargue 2, Cossey 21, Shelby 6, Swanigan 6, Wisconsin-Velosky 3, Roherty 10, Lemmens 3, Ramis 9, Crank 4, Clever 8, 
Nolan 2, Lawlinger 5, Broder 4, Cesnovar 6, Shattuck 8.
	Halftime Arkansas  42-31

Location: Hampton University

Maryland Tornadoes	28   48   76
Wisconsin Select Red	25   48   67
Points - TORNADOES: Kelly 2, Gaines 13, Brennan 4, Smear 12, Daniels 7, Brick 23, Mitchell 6, Edmonds 0, Walsh 9
Points - SELECT RED: Klug 10, Smith 12, Nohl 2, Jackson 0, Johnson 0, Gray 13, Thompson 0, 
Bronson 5, Schwerman 13, Kelly 11, Hatte 1

Location: Midtown

Boo Williams		26   38   64
Georgia Select		35   39   74
Points - BOO WILIAMS: Giddens 10, Brown 4, Haward 28, Harris 0, Basnight 2, Harrell 4, Elliott 0, Roberts 0, Hallman 4, Patterson 0, Garcia 10, Griffin 2, Banks - not listed
Points - GEORGIA SELECT: Davis 11, Boner - not listed, Jones 2, Kindred 14, Morgan 15, Isem 20, Warren 3, Smith 3

8/3/98 (Monday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98
10 am games

Oklahoma  26  28-54
Southwestern  42  32-74
Points:  O-Newnam 6,  Marsh 2,  Meek 2,  Simon 8,  Colvert 4,  Mayberry 4,  Tillis 9,  Hawkins 10,  Sellers 2,  Staton 7,  S-Sare 9,  Wadley 18,  Young 5,  Walter 2,  Britt 11,  Glover 12,  Adams 7,  Wright 4,  Taylor 6.
	Halftime:  Southwestern  42-26.

HU Convocation Center
Team Ohio  41  45-86
Indiana's Finest  53  38-91
Points:  Matter 25,  Motto 11,  Estelle 5,  Richter 3,  Gillis 2,  Williams 3,  Coleman 11,  Turner 16,  
Vujas 8,  Christensen 2,  Gearlds 8,  McDivitt 39,  Kleinert 3,  Roudebush 20,  Desjean 13,  Miles 8.
	Halftime:  Indiana's Finest  53-41.


HU Convocation Center

Team North Carolina  37  35-72
Kansas Belles  37  30-67

Points NC- Lea 2, Labadora 6, Chambers 4, Marschall 12, Johnson 3, Baptist 10, Gull 16, Heggins 9, Moody10, Belles-Chapman 15, Mason 7, Shackelford 6, Helwig 6, Beal 9, Schrieber 16, Callier 8
	Halftime:  tie  37-37

Midtown Center

Maryland  48 35-83
Wisconsin Select Red  31 33-74

Points Maryland-Gaines 4, Brennan 12, Smear 13, Daniels 4, Brick 38, Mitchell 8, 
Walsh 4, Wisconsin-Klug 11, Smith 12, Nohl 4, Gray 9, Thompsen 5, Bronson 2, Schwerman 9, Kelly 11, Hefte 11.
	Halftime:  Maryland  48-31

4 pm game

HU Convocation Center
Team Ohio  31  47-78
Southwestern  31  40-71
Points:  TO-Mattor 12,  Howe 5,  Motto 12,  Estell 3,  Miller 4,  Williams 6,  Coleman 7,  Turner 21,  
Vujas 4,  Christenson 4,  SW-Sare 2,  Wadley 9,  Young 14,  Walter 2,  Britt 18,  Glover 6,  Adams 4,  Wright 4,  Taylor 12.
	Halftime:  Tie, 31.

6pm games

HU Convocation Center
Maryland  40  42-82
Kansas Belles  32  42-74
Points:  M-Kelly 6,  Gaines 6,  Brennan 2,  Smear 11,  Daniels 12,  Brick 30,  Mitchell 15,  KB-Chapman 5,  Mason 17,  Kenton 5,  Shackelford 6,  Helwig 2,  Beal 9,  Houlehan 4,  Schrieber 12,  Callier 14.
	Halftime:  Maryland  40-32

8/4/98 (Tuesday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98
HU Convocation Center
Indiana's Finest	29  40-69
Team North Carolina	32  35-67
Points:  IF-Gearlds 5,  McDivitt 15,  Taylor 6,  Kleinert 16,  Roudebush 6,  Cheairs 14,  Desjean 5,  Miles 2,  TNC-Lea 2,  Chambers 13,  Marschall 10,  Hart 2,  Johnson 3,  Baptist 9,  Gull 9,  Heggins 6,  
Moody 13.
	Halftime:  Team North Carolina  32-29

Team Maryland	26   42   68
Team Ohio	32   50   82
Points - MARYLAND: Kelly 1, Gaines 13, Brennan 3, Smear 2, Daniels 4, Brick 30, Mitchell 12, Edmonds 0, Walsh 3
Points - OHIO: Matter 12, Howe 0, Motto 22, Estell 6, Miller 1, Richter 0, Gillis 13, Williams 2, 
Coleman 8, Turner 16, Vujas 2, Christensen 0

Team Ohio		52   39   91
Team North Carolina	36   38   74
Points-OHIO: Matter 32, Howe 5, Motto 5, Estell 5, Miller 7, Richter  9, Gillia 2, Williams 0, Coleman 5, Tunner 12, Vujas 6, Christensen 9
Points-NORTH CAROLINA: Lea 1, Labador 0, Keith 5, Chambers 16, Marschall 2, Aykins 4, Hunt 1, Hart 8, Johnson 2, Baptist 16, Gull 6, Heggins 0, Moody 13

8/5/98 (Wednesday)

7/29/98 | 7/30/98 | 7/31/98 | 8/1/98 | 8/2/98 | 8/3/98 | 8/4/98 | 8/5/98

HU Convocation Center
Team Ohio	  34  34-68
Indiana's Finest  30  35-65
Points:  TO-Matter 17,  Motto 6,  Miller 9,  Gillis 4,  Williams 2,  Coleman 11,  Turner 11,  Vujas 6,  Christensen 2,  IF-Gearlds 7,  McDivitt 21,  Taylor 4,  Kleinert 8,  Roudebush 5,  Cheairs 8,  Desjean 10,  Miles 2.
	Halftime:  Team Ohio 34-30.

Team Ohio	  31   38   69
Indiana's Finest  30   35   65
Points: TEAM OHIO - Matter 13, Howe 3, Motto 3, Estell 0, Miller 0, Richter 4, Gillis 2, Williams 3, Coleman 7, Turner 11, Vujas 19, Christensen 4
Points: INDIANA'S FINEST: Geralds 9, McDivitt 21, Taylor 0, Kleinert 6, Roudenbush 13, Cheairs 11, DesJean 2, Miles 3

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